
Food and Beverages Cluster

Agro-Business Cluster

  • Geography -Kiphire, Nagaland
  • Artisans -500
  • Products -Kholar Beans, Ginger and Turmeric and Wild Honey
  • Description - Kiphire district is located in the eastern most part of the Nagaland, bordering Myanmar, with a total Area of 1255 sq. Kms. The district is multi-ethnic in terms of its indigenous population and fall under the Scheduled Tribe category. Kiphire has been identified as one of the aspirational districts by Government of India as it lags behind key social development indicators. As per the first baseline ranking of March 2018 Kiphire ranks 98 out of 101 district identified and as per the second Delta ranking Kiphire (Ranked 107) has been placed among the five least improved aspiration districts by NITI Aayog. The SFRUTI project cluster covering 500 artisans from 24 villages is located in Pungro and Khonsa Block of Kiphire District. The main livelihood activites of the households are agriculture, horticulture and livestock rearing.
  • Annual Report - IMEDF presents the Annual Report of 2022-2023 of Northeast India Development Agency which is our Implementing Partner of Agro-Business SFURTi Cluster in Kiphire Nagaland. They have showcased ten-year journey in promoting welfare and empowerment of communities in the Northeastern part of the country namely Nagaland, Arunachal Pradesh, and Mizoram. The cluster involves agro based livelihood activities agriculture, horticulture, craft-based livelihoods, community-based institutions to promote economic and social empowerment among tribal communities of this region.
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